Friday, March 20, 2020

No longer active

This blog is no longer being updated.  My current work in comics and sculpture (as well as some articles not on this blog) can be found at https:/


  1. It has been a pleasure to read this blog all these years - thanks for all the work you put into it.

  2. I've enjoyed the blog, too... !

  3. Thanks, Mark. Take care. Be well.

  4. Thanks for the great blogging on animation here over the years, Mark.

  5. I understand that life goes one , interests change , but I hope maybe someday you'll return to this blog (if only now and then) to post more thoughts on animation.

    Or at least I hope you'll leave the blog up so that the previous years of posts are still accessible. It's been a great source of information and intelligent writing about animation. Thank you.
