Monday, December 04, 2006


I mentioned several weeks ago that I was going through a crunch. That culminated in a move last Thursday. In our new house, we were without phone service for two days and are still without internet service. I hope to have that up and running by mid-week, but nothing is definite.

I just wanted to post this to let everyone know that I haven't lost interest in this blog, it's just had to take second place to various responsibilities and technical snafus.

Please stand by. Regular programming will resume shortly.


  1. Hope things straighten out soon, Mark.


  2. Admit it Mark, you spent the weekend crashed out on the couch watching the Liberal convention. Nice to know that our next Prime Minister kinda looks like you and me!

  3. I think he looks like TinTin, all grown up. But where's Snowy?

  4. Come Back Mark! We in the Blogosphere Need You!

  5. Good luck on your new home, we hope nothing was broken after the moving :-) (neither furniture or bones)

  6. Hi Mark - to change the subject for a moment: Remember how you pointed out that no Canadian animation creator has ever sold two shows? That statement is no longer true.
