Tuesday, October 14, 2008

George Pal Puppet Animation Online

Europa Film Treasures, an online archive of films, has a section devoted to animation. The highlights of that section, by far, are two films produced by George Pal: The Philips Broadcast of 1938 and the Puppetoon Tulips Shall Grow (pictured above). Both are from excellent colour prints and include the original titles.

The other animated films there are more historical curiosities than satisfying entertainments. However, for John Ford fans, the site does include a rare Ford feature done at Universal starring Harry Carey, Bucking Broadway from 1917, Ford's first year as a director. Very few of Ford's Universal films survive, and this one is a well-preserved print.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still waiting for someone to deliver a good online copy of my favorite Puppetoon, "Date with Duke". I miss them little perfume bottles
