Saturday, March 28, 2009


If you have ever bought anything from Amazon online, you know that they send you emails to alert you to items they believe you will want based on your past purchases. Occasionally, though, the recommendations leave me scratching my head, such as this one:
(Click to enlarge.)


  1. Maybe this book sheds light on the inter-studio skirmishes that occurred during the cold war period.

  2. Mark, not only have you been labeled a "Pinko", but you are a now a "Consumerist Pinko"!

  3. I knew all of this talk about how to improve the art of animation was just a bullshit smokescreen so you could divert attention from the fact that you're building nukes in your living room.

  4. Hmmm ... I don't know Mark ... 37% savings is pretty good.

  5. I think they're trying to tell you something linking the future of the animation industry and the use of WMDs. I sense a blog topic appearing from the wisdom of the net.

  6. Amazon has its WMDs and WEDs confused...

  7. Oh my, thanks god Obama was elected or it would have been a one way trip to Guantanamo for me apparently.
