that was fun to listen to, thanks mark! i love q & a sessions with poeple who know very little to nothing about animation. to ask someone like pete docter a question and then have that question be "how is it different making a 3d film than a regular film?" and then to follow up with "i didn't know there was a different kind of 3d" is just hilarious to me. poor pete. i'm sure he's used to it by now though.
that was fun to listen to, thanks mark! i love q & a sessions with poeple who know very little to nothing about animation. to ask someone like pete docter a question and then have that question be "how is it different making a 3d film than a regular film?" and then to follow up with "i didn't know there was a different kind of 3d" is just hilarious to me. poor pete. i'm sure he's used to it by now though.