Sunday, April 18, 2010

Drifting Off Course

I know that business has dominated art on this blog lately. For reasons that I don't understand, this school year has been a lot busier for me than previous years and the business stuff is faster and easier to write about than the art.

Things should slow down for me in the next few weeks and I hope to restore some balance over the summer. I'll be doing more mosaics and hope to take a close look at the work of specific animators like Bob Cannon.


  1. Really enjoyed the string of business-related posts. Always nice to get some new perspective.

    Particularly, the "Complexity & Collapse" post. I was going to post some comments (built off the section about Buzz Hollings' work in "The Upside of Down") but couldn't trim it down into something readable.

    Lookin' forward to the next round.

  2. Your writing about the "biz" is very insightful and I appreciate it. Also looking forward to a return to the mosiacs and discussions of the art.

  3. I do not want to suggest burdening yourself with extra work, but you could have two blogs running parallel to each other. An Art blog and a Business blog. It would keep both subjects fresh so that when a couple of mosaics come in, it wouldn't push a business post that is still relevant and of the moment down 3 pages further. I enjoy your opinion of the state of the animation business, always accurate and informative.

  4. Mark, are you speaking of Bobe Cannon of UPA? One of my hero's, Cannon was a master animator.

  5. Yes Floyd, the same Cannon. I really am looking forward to Mark's insights on this underrated talent!

  6. I'm more than happy to hear your perspective on the business side of things. It so hard to find a conversation about our industry geared toward the artists instead of investors or corporate insiders. I've always found it very helpful and engaging but I look forward to your creative posts as well.

  7. Mark, you enlighten us on any subject you choose to write - business or art. However, I particularly look forward to anything you have to say about Bobe Cannon, probably my favorite animator.

  8. Totally agree, Bob Cannon's stuff is really top-notch, especially the stuff he did for Chuck Jones. Does anyone know how he ended up at Disney for a random credit in "Melody Time"?
