Monday, June 21, 2010

Matt Williames

Two interesting posts from animator Matt Williames. The first is a collection of his pencil tests from The Princess and the Frog. The second contains his thoughts on working at Disney.

(Link via On Animation.)


  1. Looks like he removed his Disney post.

  2. sad. the anim biz is so afraid of the public statement of strong opinions. the more honest the opinion, the more dangerous for the speaker's career. This lack of critical examination from within the big studio world only perpetuates the decline of modern feature film animation. Everybody's gotta keep sucking up to stay employed. It's a perversity beyond belief.

  3. Damn, I feel so bad for Matt and have such a huge respect for the position he just took and his talents (his line tests are beautiful).
    As a young animator, we have so many fantasies about places like Disney, and it just breaks my heart to see that this creative place is held by greedy executives and . If only it was just Disney...

  4. I quickly scanned his post this morning and intended to return to it for a thorough reading. Very sorry he found it necessary to remove it.

  5. I didn't have time to read the post before it was removed, what was the gist of it?

  6. Keith, it's less about "sucking up" than being just baseline professional. ANYone at any studio or in fact any business-obviously especially one with a high public profile-can't expect to express negative opinions about their employer/company on the internet(which is a de facto press release these days) and not face dismissal or at the least undermine themselves.
    It's also not the case however that there isn't INTERNAL "critical examination" all the time-believe it or not, there is. Key word: internal.
