Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sheridan Industry Day 2010

Another school year gone. Another group of graduates stepping out into the world. Another industry day. What's below just scratches the surface of what went on.

Second and Third year student volunteers prepare for the crowds.

The graduates of the four year program get set up to meet the industry.

Veteran story artists Jim Caswell and Warren Leonhardt.

Left to right: Paul Teolis of Nelvana; Michael Carter, President of CASO (Computer Animation Studios of Ontario) and Jim Caswell.

Frank Falcone of Guru Studios.

A view of the post-graduate computer animation program workspace.

Steve Schnier of Vujade and John Lei of Noodleboy Studios.

Kevin Parry with his characters from the stop motion film The Arctic Circle.

Carla Veldman with her characters from her stop motion film The Scarf.

Allesandro Piedemonte (A Cut Above) and King Mugabe (Red Snow).

Andrew Murray (Blind Date) is interviewed by a reporter from CHCH TV.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mark,
    Another great showing by the students. As always though - the same comments. This is your time to shine. This is your portfolio that you hope will open doors for you.

    Two films got applause during the screenings: "Sketchi" by Lili Sun (a sentimental favorite) and Boris Maras' "The Monkey and the Elephant" (probably got the title wrong - sorry.)

    Boris' film was incomplete - at the pencil test stage - but that didn't matter. It was brilliantly done. The draftsmanship, the acting, the timing - everything was perfect. Bravo!

    On the other end of the spectrum were the "What were they thinking?" films. Some were poorly done - badly animated, incoherent stories, technically weak. Then there are the films with awkward sexuality. This is a topic for another discussion. I'm no prude and while there's nothing wrong with nudity/sexuality (handled very well in Melanie Daigle's "Field Trip") - most other films that had a sexual element fell flat (pardon the pun).

    I understand that these films are personal statements - but they should first and foremost be considered job seeking tools.

    My 2 cents.
