Monday, May 03, 2010

Sheridan Industry Day 2010 Addendum

Kevin Parry has posted the opening title to Sheridan's industry screening last week. Besides Kevin, Andrew Murray, Andrew Wilson, Allison Neil and Adam Pockaj were responsible for the concept and execution of this piece, including the voices. It has a playfulness and a spontaneity that exceeds many of the films produced over the course of the full year and it's a reminder to all of us that if we have fun making a film, the odds are that the audience will have fun watching it.

Sheridan College Animation Intro 2010 from kevinbparry on Vimeo.


  1. Several people on Industry Day were asking who made that title animation and I wasn't able to answer their query. Thanks for clearing up that mystery, Mark, by posting the names of the students responsible for that entertaining piece. Also, I think we should excerpt a portion of your quote and post it up large on a sign in the 4th Year work studio:

    "If we have fun making a film, the odds are that the audience will have fun watching it."

    Sounds like something Walt himself would have said!

  2. Hello,
    I like Stop-motion animation. And I think yours is very well made. Here is my latest creation:

    Can you give me your point of vue and some advice??
    Thank You
